Friday, August 24, 2007

Home Again

It feels good to be home! After several days of doing laundry and getting the kids settled, we're starting to get back into the groove of our daily activities.

The ABR therapy training in Chicago went really well! Our sessions consisted of one on one time with the trainer who showed Patrick and Grandma how to do ABR!! It was exciting for me to hear the trainer tell us we have a "good team!" Team being the key word. (smile)

We met some nice families and enjoyed sharing stories with each other. They all had much more ABR experience than we have, so it was neat hearing about the improvements they have seen in their kids.

The trip was long but we had some fun family time with Papa and Grandma. Josiah especially enjoyed his alone time every morning with Papa. We all enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at the zoo, and a visit to an IKEA store.

Abby's therapy prescription now includes 4 exercises. We will continue the chest (anterior thorax) and top of the shoulder exercises. The trainer introduced us to two new ones: Jaw/skull division and lateral neck. Abby really disliked these two because they involved holding her head still which she can't stand!! I've been surprised and pleased to discover that she tolerates them quite well now that we are home.

Once again we are slowly building up our hours of ABR every day, but now Daddy's helping too!