We made it.
It was a gorgeous day, and Patrick stayed home to work on our garage. He prepped and painted the floor with a special paint so it looks super neat and clean! (Thanks for your help Adam!)
The kids and I stayed outside with him for the majority of the day, enjoying the sunshine and helping as much as we could. Josiah loves to "help" Daddy outside. He brings his tools and tinkers on things. It is really cute.
Abby liked the breeze and sun too for a while. She has had a rough couple of weeks lately with new seizure activity and almost weekly low grade fevers. Not sure what the fevers are from, there aren't any other symptoms accept for a slight runny nose occasionally. She definitely acts like she feels crummy when the fevers come, as well as suffering extra seizures. We are 5 mg away from eliminating one of her seizure meds (Lamictal). Because of her seizures lately we are waiting to see some improvement before making any more changes.
Hope you all enjoyed this beautiful day!