We discussed the plan for our pregnancy from here on out. Basically we will continue taking the Terbutaline until delivery day. She said that "text book" says it won't work past a certain point and will not stop True labor, but she has seen it work non the less. Once it no longer provides the desired effect, we will deliver. I felt relieved to get the green light to keep taking it until the wedding. Hopefully this will enable our family to ALL enjoy celebrating with Connie and Matt on June 20th!
Because of the contractions + the cerclage + this being my 3rd c-section, we decided to schedule the big day for June 26th!! I will be about 38 1/2 weeks. If the contractions should earnestly kick in gear before then, we will meet our little peanut sooner. Because of obvious reasons we are of course hoping to hold out as long as possible.
We'll see!
This past weekend Patrick and I had the most wonderful vacation!! We called it our "Baby Moon"... Honeymoon before baby. Grandma, Papa and Aunt Carolyn came to visit and kept A & J for us so we could get away... all 5 miles of it! We stayed in the Westin in the Bridgestreet Shopping center just minutes from our house.
(view from the court yard)
Our room was cozy and comfy with lots of extra pillows!! Perfect for an uncoordinated, poorly sleeping pregnant person such as myself. We enjoyed the pool, lots of sunshine and a relaxing hot tub. We actually slept in past 7 am and relished in the quietness of being alone.
(slowly making our way down the Looong hall way to our room)
(taking a breather from the Long walk... silliness)
Someone surprised us with a gift certificate to eat at Conner's which we thoroughly enjoyed! Of course we ordered expensive entrée's instead of the burger and salad we probably would have chosen other wise.
(finishing up some yummy, chocolate cake!)
Thank you to the generous Giver!
We felt so blessed!!
Abby is doing much better! She had a good weekend, which made ours that much better too. The continuous G-tube feedings are going well so far. She is getting Carafate (a prn reflux med that we've given in the past for flare ups) on a schedule twice a day. Perhaps this is keeping her reflux quiet. We still aren't sure what was causing her discomfort before, but hopefully giving her Jejunum a break from feedings will allow any irritation to heal and cool off.
The next step offered by her gastroenterologist was a tube switch and CT of her belly. We opted to wait and see if this break will help her.
She has been more herself today and was engaging during feeding therapy. As I type she is ASLEEP, which has not been the case for her afternoons lately. Praise the Lord!
Thank you to those who have been praying.