Saturday, May 9, 2009

31 weeks


I got another little glimpse of our tiny baby yesterday, but he's not so tiny anymore!  They were checking his growth and the status of the previous bleed.  There was no sign of bleeding!!  It has completely resolved.

(nose/lips- rest of his face is in the dark)

The baby measured one week ahead and looks great!  He's grown so much since our last scan.  She estimates he weighs about 4 lbs!!  It feels so great to finally be in this weight range. 

(little foot)

It seems that from now on I will be spending most days managing preterm contractions.  I'm taking 2 different medications as needed.  Some days I take it on a schedule, but have found that the side effects can be pretty uncomfortable.  Our doctor says that we have done and are doing everything possible to keep preterm labor from happening.  She reassured us that as long as there are no "baby house" changes there is nothing more we can do but wait.

On a different note, Abby has had some difficult days lately.  She is on her second week of Banzel and we aren't certain how it has affected her.  She has been more 'out of it' and Much more fussy!  She seems to be also having tummy/intestinal troubles that we try to manage... adjusting her dose and frequency of miralax and tweaking her feeding pump rate as needed.  It's really a frustrating guessing game with some days leaving us all drained from her moaning, finger biting and overall unhappiness.  

She continues to have multiple daily seizures which do cause lots of irritability, but we are hopeful the new medication combination will start helping this soon.

If only we knew for sure what was wrong and how to fix it.  This daily challenge continues to push me to my knees, knowing that our Heavenly Father truly is the only One who knows and can rescue.

Abby also continues to have on/off low grade fevers (100-101+).  She is not exhibiting any other signs of illness other than an occasional runny nose.  For now we are just keeping an eye on it as this isn't new for Abby.  Last Spring we experienced the same pattern with no answers.