Meet our dear friends
David and Gracie Clark. This post is about their family.
We met them almost 2 years ago and instantly clicked. Our families have some major things in common: we are all outdoorsy type people, we enjoy sitting together and chatting over a good cup of coffee (or Mocha), and we've all been changed forever by our very special preemies.
I'll let them tell their story about their precious preemie son
Drew, and the events that have led them to where they are today. Trust me, it will be worth your time and tears to get to know them.
Fast forward to August 2008! The Clarks are hoping to finalize a long awaited adoption of a little girl in Guatemala.
Adriana is 20 months old and has some special needs including vision loss (CVI), epilepsy and a dislocated hip. Please visit her
site to learn more about this gorgeous child!
This brings me to the point of this post. You might be wondering about the title for today. Yes, we have become Triathletes for a cause!
For those who know about the International Adoption process can probably guess what we are up to. For those who don't... well, let's just say Adoption is Very expensive and time consuming, but so very worth it!
Patrick and I have committed to participate in an upcoming Triathlon in order to raise money to help bring Adriana home from Guatemala! We are asking for friends and family to rise up and agree to sponsor us as we run, bike and swim for the Clarks.
Patrick will run 3 miles, bike 6 miles and swim 400 meters. I am swimming on a team with two teenagers who will be accomplishing the running and biking. It should be fun!
David and Gracie first heard of Adriana's need for a home through an organization called
The Shepherd's Crook. This ministry strives to find families for children with special needs from all over the world!
Your tax deductible donations will be managed by
The Shepherd's Crook for Adriana's adoption. Every child they list has an account open in their name for donations specifically made on their behalf for adoption purposes. On-line donations are safe and simple! If you would prefer to mail a donation instead, mark your checks "Adriana Clark" and send to:
The Shepherd's Crook Ministries, P.O. Box 773, West Chester, OH 45071
We feel privileged to be part of something so special and so close to God's heart! Adoption is such a wonderful way to obey our Father's command to care for the orphan. Adriana has a special place in our hearts and we know God has a wonderful plan for her life.
Will you join us in this exciting adventure?! We would love to count you in!
Contact us @ to let us know if you would like to help.
James 1:27
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."