Saturday, January 20, 2007

December 08, 2006

December 08, 2006 at 01:58 PM CST

Friday - Well, so far so good. Abby has had some pretty good days. She was a little more fussy than usual yesterday, so I guess I started allowing myself to feel anxious. I've found myself looking at her with more intenseness these past few days, searching for anything that might mean she's getting sick. Then I remember she's in the Lord's mighty, capable hands. I can't do anything to change the situation except wait upon the Lord; and of course, trust. This is comforting. So are all the thoughtful notes you all have left for us and for Abby! I read them to her. The body of Christ is an amazing thing. Thank you.
A little side note... Andrew Peterson, Jill Phillips, Andy Gullahorn, Derek Webb, Sandra McCracken, Ben Shive. Wow! What an amazing performance we got to witness last night. A unique Christmas concert called "Behold the Lamb of God; the True Tall Tale of the coming of Christ." Andrew Peterson's version of the Christmas story starting in Exodus through the Old Testament and ending in 1 Peter! If you haven't heard it, you need to! Come to our house and you can watch the DVD with us. The most amazing song for me on this album: "Labor of Love." Talk about a real picture. Go to Scroll down to Behold the Lamb album. Click on 'open player' and listen to this song! It will bless your socks off.

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