Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another Crossroad

We find ourselves at yet another crossroad. In our constant search for anything that might help our little Abby I came across a radical new form of therapy. (I should say new to me)

It's called ABR: Advanced Biomechanical Rehabilitation

Because of my few blundering attempts to describe ABR to therapists and family, I will let the inventor speak for himself. This is taken directly from Leonid Blyum's ABR website. (

"ABR is a unique biomechanically based rehabilitation approach for children and young adults with brain injury that brings predictable recovery of musculoskeletal structure and motor functions."

"ABR is the method of structural correction of musculoskeletal deformities. It is a hands-on method performed by the parents who learn the ABR technique and receive individual prescription of applications from the ABR professional staff."

"ABR in a nutshell
Everyone believes that a CP child has poor functions because his/her brain is too damaged to be able to control normal movements. Respectively CP children are considered incurable because the brain damage is irreversible.
ABR has a different philosophy. We believe that even the badly injured brain has enough electrical plasticity to allow control of normal motor functions, however, for this plasticity to become activated, a child's musculoskeletal structure has to be improved to a sufficient level - to the so-called plasticity threshold."

"While it is commonly believed that a brain injured person needs specific training of his/her motor function - trying to make "better use" of a structurally deficient musculoskeletal system - ABR shows that true biomechanical structural improvement of the musculoskeletal system automatically converts into motor function progress, eliminating any need of specific training to perform motor tasks. Motor function develops as a "spontaneous" result of structural normalization."

"Unfortunately, in traditional medicinal practice the internal organs are looked upon only from the viewpoint of chemical metabolism, while, on the other hand, the biomechanical approach does not normally focus on anything other than the classical skeleton comprised of «muscles and bones».
Strengthening of the smooth muscles induces gradual growth of internal pneumatic capacity, which in a cascade effect restores:
  • volume, shape and strength of the neck and trunk,
  • normal alignment of the joints of the limbs, eliminating spasticity and contractures,
  • normal volume and then strength of weakened skeletal muscles,
  • normal alignment of the shoulder girdle and arms as well as pelvis and legs - allowing normal "insertion" of arms and legs and thus making proper movements possible.
Moreover, restoration of muscular skeletal structure re-establishes normal metabolism (flow of blood and oxygen supply) of 'defective', atrophied muscles and, in addition, normal electrical ascending activity to the brain, opening wide the "back door" to function."

(Back to post) These are just a few statements about ABR on their website. We have found this method of rehab really fascinating. It makes a lot of sense.

After reading as much as I can find on ABR I am amazed to see pictures and read stories about the progress some children are making. We are considering and praying about taking Abby for an evaluation. Unfortunately for us this form of therapy is only taught in Europe, Asia and Canada.

If we decide that ABR would be a great option to try with Abby, we will be taking her to Montreal Canada at the end of October 2007 for an initial evaluation with the inventor, Leonid Blyum. You can read more about him on their website:

We would spend one week at the center, including two hours of instruction and training each day. Mr. Blyum will prescribe specific exercises to do on Abby after her eval and than his staff will train us to do them properly.

This decision to go forward with ABR will require a HUGE commitment in every way for our family. We are required to travel to Canada once a year and then three more times to a satellite center, probably Chicago or Florida for follow up assessments and adjustments to the therapy plan. All center visits will require a week of our time... this means I will probably end up taking Abby alone, leaving Patrick and my little boy behind. ABR is also very expensive. Of course we won't allow expense to keep us from doing what is best for our girl, it just makes the decision to move forward more difficult. Lastly, ABR is measured in hours performed on the child... so they ask parents to commit to 3 hours a day of therapy!! This is going to be a very big challenge for us as much of Abby's day is taken up by tube feedings, resting after the feedings, time at preschool and sleeping. We will have to develop a much more structured approach to her awake time.

I guess this post has become long enough. More thoughts on ABR coming soon... once we learn more about it.

Any input from families already using ABR with their kids is very welcome!!


James Lee Younger III said...

Hey Pabs... aas always we will be liting you guys up so much! ABR very cool even though i'm not smart enough to understand it...

James Lee Younger III said...

oops, it's really early and that had a lot of typos... we will be LIFTING you guys up... and ABR sounds very cool. hope you at least had a laugh from that original comment...

Anonymous said...


Did you go to ABR clinic in Canada? What do you think?

Thank you much.
Dr. Dimitri Rimsky
NAPA Institute
Los Angeles, CA

Anonymous said...

I found your website on the internet and wanted to let you know that I'm taking my son to Montreal this Oct for ABR. Hopefully, you're able to come. Care Page Name: Tyse